Saint Nektarios Monastery

Schedule Of Services

Special Services
Holy Week 2024

Palm Sunday
Orthros and Divine Liturgy 6:45am
Vespers and Small Compline 3:00pm
Orthros of Holy Monday 6:00pm

Holy Monday
Vespers and Presanctified Liturgy 7:00am
Great Compline 3:15pm
Orthros of Holy Tuesday 6:00pm

Holy Tuesday
Vespers and Presanctified Liturgy 6:45am
Great Compline 3:15pm
Orthros of Holy Wednesday 6:00pm

Holy Wednesday
Vespers and Presanctified Liturgy 6:45pm
Holy Unction and Small Compline 3:00pm
Orthros of Holy Thursday 6:00pm

Holy Thursday
Hours, Vespers and Divine Liturgy 7:15am
The Holy Passion and Orthros of Holy Friday - The 12 Gospels 6:00pm

Holy Friday
Royal Hours 9:00am
Vespers and Apokathelosis 12:30pm
Orthros of Holy Saturday and Epitaphios-Lamentations 5:00pm

Holy Saturday
Hours, Vespers and Divine Liturgy 8:00am

Great and Holy Pascha
Canon of Holy Saturday 9:30pm
The Resurrection, Orthros and Divine Liturgy 11:00pm
Easter Sunday Vespers 1:00pm
Small Compline 6:00pm

Schedules change for major feast days and vigils. Please contact us prior to visiting in order to confirm times of services.

Saint Nekratios Chapel

Saint Nektarios Greek Orthodox Monastery
100 Anawanda Lake Road, Roscoe, NY 12776
Tel: (845) 482-2185 Fax: (607) 498-5468